When you’ve been involved in something for a while, whether it’s golfing or building websites or else, there comes a point when you can say you’re no longer a newcomer. BUT, it’s the word from the newcomers – in this case, new to WordPress – that serve as reminders about why we use WordPress, how great it is, and how much of a business impact it can have even on the newest of WP users.

Here it is, from this past week:

This is my first attempt at using a WordPress template.

I had been thinking about redoing my site for awhile when I came across someones website that I absolutely fell in love with. After viewing the source code and following some links I found myself at [WP theme provider] and eventually on your website.

I will admit I was very hesitant in making the purchase. After reading through all the comments I was thinking that this thing was going to be very difficult to manipulate. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

Being the gambling man that I am I decided to roll the dice. I figured it’s only $+++ bucks, I’ll let this be a lesson to myself if it blows.

This is one gamble I am glad I made!

I can not believe the ease of use of this thing. I started off looking at all the code and breaking it down, after a couple hours of doing that I realized that I didn’t even have to!? Everything I need is right there on the control panel. Amazing!

I have gotten more done with this website in the last 12 hours than I have with any other site in a week!

For [grins] and giggles I decided to take my fresh new site to W3C and see what they had to say about it. I’m thinking no way is this thing going to validate. Well I was right, it had 5 errors. All of which were made by ME. (easy fix)

Anywho, I can’t thank you enough for this template. You have opened up a whole new world for me…

This is typical of the kind of positive reaction we see from people who have discovered WordPress and its built-in power and ease. What is not typical, however, is that this guy took the time to write about it. We’re glad he did and glad you are reading about it.

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