A tilde (pronounced TILL-duh) is a short, curvy horizontal line character that is located on the upper left on most keyboards, usually on the same key as the backquote. It ...
Ever wondered if sprinkling some oregano on your website would help you get more business? Me neither. Here is something more likely, and common: Ever wonder what you could do ...
"Yeah, go ahead and use the word thingy to build my page..." The Oh-Boy client. "I'm worried my site will look too much like a template if you use WordPress ...
Amazingly hard to believe? That there are some winning tips that have nothing to do with Charlie Sheen these days? I digress. Here we go: Have you decided you want ...
This is about as low-cost, high-return as it gets and if you don't do it then you are certainly missing out. Dozens of SEO techniques - some easy, some not ...
A cardinal rule in serious headline writing is to not use slang or play word games. I broke that rule (see above). But if you are reading this then I ...
Unbeatable is the only word I can use to compare this offer to anything else I have seen in the wonderful world of WordPress over that past few years! Skeptical ...
An important tip for the newest of the "new" Facebook that so many of us use for business and for personal communication; this post addresses a few of our thoughts ...